Ohio Tourism Works Lobbying Day: Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Please join OTA, OACVB, the Ohio Restaurant Association and the Ohio Hotel & Lodging Association for the Ohio Tourism Works Day on Tuesday, May 9!
By attending the 2023 Lobbying Day, you have the opportunity to speak with your legislators about the important issues facing your community and tourism in Ohio! Meetings with legislators will be conducted in their offices in the Ohio State House and the Vern Riffe State Office Tower.
Be sure to identify the legislator(s) you would like to meet with so appointments can be made for you. If you do not request any specific legislators to meet with, your appointments will be scheduled for you based on your zip code.
Please note, you must be registered to attend the events below.
Breakfast and Briefing 8:00 - 9:30 a.m.: The Breakfast and Briefing will be held in the Horizon Lounge of the Huntington Center. Association leaders will go over all the issues of importance to the industry so you can feel prepared for your meetings. This is also where you will receive complete position paper packets to leave behind in your meetings.
Legislative Appointments 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 5p.m.: Legislative appointments will be scheduled for you during this window, based on availability of the legislators. Please note that you could be partnered with others who have requested to meet with the same elected officials for these meetings.
Lunch On Your Own 12 - 1 p.m.
Ohio Tourism Works Legislative Reception 5 - 6:30 p.m.: A reception honoring legislators will cap off the day's events. The reception will be held in the Horizon Lounge in the Huntington Center. All legislators and their staff members will be invited to attend and is a great opportunity to meet with legislators from across the state and those who were unavailable for appointments during the day.
Hotel Accommodations
A block of rooms has been secured at the Sheraton Columbus Hotel at Capitol Square at 75 East State St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. They are offering a room rate of $135++ .